1. Introduction

Welcome to the Privacy Policy for the mobile application or web application ("the App") provided by AutoOps, operated by J Consulting, doing business as AutoOps ("we," "us," or "our"). This Privacy Policy is designed to inform users about the collection, use, and protection of their personal information when using the App.

1.1 Scope and Applicability

This Privacy Policy applies to all App users, including but not limited to technicians, back-end users, and customers.

1.1.1 Information Covered

The Privacy Policy covers the collection and usage of various types of information, including:

  • • Technician-provided information, such as location data, images, and job-related details.
  • • Back-end user access to customer data, property addresses, and financial information.
  • • Security measures are employed to protect user data.

2. Data Collection and Usage

2.1 Technician-Provided Information
2.1.1 Location Data

The App collects location data to enhance the functionality of tracking job start locations and facilitating accurate mileage calculations. Technicians are required to input the starting location of assigned jobs, contributing to the seamless operation of the App. Location data, including reimbursement processes and overall job tracking, is crucial for business operations.

2.1.2 Image Uploads

Technicians can upload various types of images through the App. These images include job-related visuals and receipts. The purpose of this feature is to document and record essential information related to job assessments, progress, and completion. Uploaded images serve as a valuable resource for job evaluation and record-keeping.

2.1.3 Job-Related Information

Technicians input job-related details, such as job start assessments, break times, purchase orders, and finish assessments. This information is integral to the overall workflow and business processes facilitated by the App. It contributes to job evaluation, performance metrics, and the efficient functioning of the employer's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.

2.2 Back End User Access
2.2.1 Customer Data

Back-end users, primarily administrative staff, can access customer data within the App. This includes managing and updating client information for business operations. Back-end users' handling of customer data is subject to strict security measures and is performed to streamline business processes.

2.2.2 Property Addresses

Back-end users, including technicians dispatched to a job, can view and edit property addresses associated with jobs. This feature ensures accurate location details and facilitates effective job management. Technicians, when dispatched to a job, have access to view the relevant property address, enabling them to navigate efficiently. Property address information is handled with confidentiality and integrity to maintain the accuracy of business operations.

2.2.3 Invoice and Accounting Information

Back-end users can access and interact with invoice and accounting information within the App. This includes overseeing and managing financial transactions for business operations. The handling of economic data is conducted with precision and compliance with relevant privacy and security standards.

2.3 Security Measures

To ensure the security and confidentiality of data, the App employs industry-standard encryption measures during the transmission and storage of information. This safeguards user data from unauthorized access and ensures privacy and security standards compliance. Access to user data is restricted based on user roles and permissions. This ensures that sensitive information is only accessible to authorized individuals within the organization. Access controls are implemented to prevent unauthorized use or disclosure of user data

3. Information Sharing and Third-Party Access

In certain instances, we may engage third-party service providers to facilitate specific functionalities within the App. This engagement may include but is not limited to, payment processing, data analysis, or other services essential for the overall operation of the platform.

3.1 Data Handling by Service Providers

Third-party service providers are contractually obligated to handle user data securely and in compliance with relevant privacy regulations. These providers are selected based on their reputation for maintaining high data protection and security standards.

3.2 Legal Requirements
3.2.1 Disclosure in Response to Legal Requests

We may disclose user information, including personal data, in response to legal requests or obligations, such as court orders, subpoenas, or law enforcement inquiries. Such disclosures will be made in strict adherence to applicable laws and regulations.

3.2.2 Protection of Legal Interests

Information may be disclosed when necessary to protect our legal interests or respond to legal claims. This includes situations where disclosure is essential to investigate or address potential violations of our terms and conditions or to protect the security and integrity of the App.

3.2.3 Business Transitions

In a merger, acquisition, or other business transition, user information may be transferred as part of the transaction. Through prominent communication channels, users will be notified of such transitions and data handling changes.

3.3 User Consent

Users explicitly consent to potentially sharing their information by using the App as outlined in this Privacy Policy. Users acknowledge and agree that certain functionalities within the App may involve third-party service providers' engagement and information disclosure as described herein. Users can modify or withdraw their consent regarding sharing information with third-party service providers. Modifications or withdrawals of consent can be communicated through the designated channels provided within the App

4. User Consent and Control

By engaging with and using the mobile application or web application ("the App"), users implicitly consent to collect and use their data as outlined in this Privacy Policy. Users need to understand and acknowledge that their information will be processed in accordance with the practices described herein.

4.1 Scope of Consent

User consent extends to the collection and usage of various types of information, including but not limited to location data, images, job-related details, customer data, property addresses, and financial information. The scope of consent covers information provided by technicians and back-end users within the App.

4.2 User Control
4.2.1 Access to Personal Data

Users have the right to access their data stored within the App. This includes information provided during account creation, location data, uploaded images, and other data elements collected during the platform's usage. Users can access their personal data through designated channels within the App.

4.2.2 Modification of Personal Data

Users can modify their personal data to ensure its accuracy and relevance. This includes updating account information, revising uploaded images, and adjusting job-related details. Modification requests can be submitted through the App's user interface or support channels.

4.2.3 Deletion of Personal Data

Users have the right to request the deletion of their personal data from the App. Deletion requests will be processed by established retention periods and legal requirements. Users can initiate deletion requests through the App's designated channels or contact our support team.

5. Data Accuracy and Responsibilities

5.1 Accuracy of Technician-Provided Information
5.1.1 Responsibility for Accuracy

Technicians are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information they provide through the App. This includes, but is not limited to, location data, uploaded images, and job-related details. Accurate information is crucial for the app's effective functioning and integrity in business operations.

5.1.2 Consequences of Inaccurate Information

Inaccurate information may result in discrepancies in job tracking, evaluation, and financial reporting. Users are advised to diligently review and verify the information they submit to the App to prevent potential errors and ensure the reliability of the data captured within the platform.

5.2 Employer Responsibility
5.2.1 Back End User Access

Back-end users, including administrative staff and employers, are responsible for the accuracy and appropriateness of information accessed and managed through the App. This encompasses customer data, property addresses, and financial information. Employers should exercise diligence in overseeing and managing the data accessible through their user accounts.

5.2.2 Verification of Information

Employers are encouraged to regularly verify the accuracy of data stored within the App, especially information related to customer interactions, job details, and financial transactions. Verification processes contribute to data reliability for business operations and decision-making.

5.2.3 Employee Training and Compliance

Employers are advised to provide adequate training to employees using the App to enhance data accuracy. Training programs should emphasize the importance of accurate data entry and compliance with company policies to maintain the integrity of the data ecosystem within the platform.

6. Data Security

6.1 App Functionality
6.1.1 Error-Free Functionality

While we strive to provide a seamless and error-free experience within the mobile application or web application ("the App"), users acknowledge that the App may not be entirely free from occasional errors or interruptions. Users understand that the use of the App is at their own risk, and we do not warrant that the platform will be error-free or uninterrupted.

6.1.2 Security Measures

To safeguard user data from unauthorized access and ensure confidentiality, the App employs robust security measures: Encryption

All data transmitted between the App and our servers and stored within the App is encrypted using industry-standard protocols. Encryption ensures that sensitive information remains confidential during transmission and storage. Access Controls

Access to user data is strictly controlled based on user roles and permissions. This access control mechanism ensures that only authorized individuals within the organization can access specific types of information. Access controls contribute to preventing unauthorized use or disclosure of user data. Regular Security Audits

We conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities and assess the overall security posture of the App. These audits involve thorough reviews of data storage practices, transmission protocols, and access controls. Findings from security audits guide the implementation of enhancements to strengthen data security further.

6.2 User Responsibilities
6.2.1 Secure Account Management

Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their accounts. This includes the protection of login credentials, such as usernames and passwords. Users are advised to choose strong and unique passwords, refrain from sharing their login information, and promptly report any suspected unauthorized access.

6.2.2 Device Security

Users should ensure the security of the devices used to access the App. This includes implementing security features such as screen lock mechanisms and updating devices with the latest security patches. Device security is a crucial aspect of overall data protection.

6.3 Incident Response
6.3.1 Reporting Security Incidents

Users are encouraged to promptly report any suspected security incidents, including unauthorized access or data breaches, to our designated support channels. Timely reporting allows us to initiate an efficient incident response process to investigate and address security concerns.

6.3.2 Communication of Breaches

In the event of a data breach that poses a risk to user data, affected users will be promptly notified through appropriate communication channels. Notifications will include details of the breach, the nature of the information exposed, and recommended actions for users to secure their accounts.

6.4 Continuous Improvement
6.4.1 Security Updates

We are committed to the continuous improvement of data security. This includes regularly updating the App to address newly identified vulnerabilities and adopting industry best practices for data protection. Users are encouraged to keep their App version current to benefit from the latest security enhancements.

6.4.2 User Education

We provide educational resources and guidance on best practices for data security. This includes tips on secure account management, recognizing phishing attempts, and maintaining the security of devices. User education is a collaborative effort to enhance overall data security

7. Data Retention

7.1 Retention Periods
7.1.1 Technician-Provided Information

Data provided by technicians, including location data, images, and job-related details, is retained for a specified period. The retention period is determined based on the necessity of the information for business operations, compliance with legal obligations, and potential auditing requirements. Technicians are advised to review data retention policies to understand the duration their information will be stored.

7.1.2 Back End User Access

Data accessed and managed by back-end users, such as customer data, property addresses, and financial information, is subject to defined retention periods. These retention periods are established to align with business needs, legal requirements, and considerations for data accuracy and completeness. Back-end users are encouraged to familiarize themselves with data retention policies relevant to their user roles.

7.2 Deletion of User Data
7.2.1 User-Initiated Deletion

Users have the right to request the deletion of their personal data from the App. Deletion requests can be initiated through designated channels within the App or by contacting our support team. Upon receiving a deletion request, we will verify the requestor's identity and promptly proceed with the deletion process.

7.2.2 Automatic Deletion

In adherence to data retention policies, certain types of user data may be automatically deleted from the App after the designated retention periods expire. Automatic deletion is part of our commitment to responsible data management and aligns with privacy and legal principles.

8. International Data Transfers

8.1 Cross-Border Data Transfers
8.1.1 Data Processing Locations

the mobile application or web application ("the App") may involve the processing and storing of user data in locations outside the jurisdiction where the user is located. User data, including but not limited to location data, images, and job-related details, may be transferred and processed in countries or regions with different data protection laws.

8.1.2 Legal Basis for Cross-Border Transfers

Applicable data protection laws and regulations conduct cross-border data transfers. The legal basis for such transfers may include user consent, the necessity of the data transfer for the performance of contractual obligations, or the implementation of pre-contractual measures taken at the user's request.

8.2 Data Protection Measures
8.2.1 Encryption and Security Protocols

To ensure the security and confidentiality of user data during international transfers, the App employs robust encryption and security protocols. These measures are designed to protect user data from unauthorized access and maintain the integrity of data processing during cross-border transfers.

8.2.2 Compliance with Data Protection Standards

Cross-border data transfers adhere to established data protection standards. This includes compliance with international frameworks and certifications that safeguard user privacy and ensure that data processing activities meet recognized global standards for data protection.

8.3 User Acknowledgment
8.3.1 Implicit Consent for International Transfers

Users implicitly acknowledge and consent to the potential transfer of their data across borders by using the App. This acknowledgment is a fundamental aspect of the App's functionality, as it allows for the seamless operation and accessibility of user data in different geographical locations.

8.3.2 Understanding of Jurisdictional Differences

Users are encouraged to understand that the jurisdictions in which their data may be processed could have varying protection laws. While every effort is made to ensure compliance with relevant laws, users should be aware of and accept the potential differences in data protection standards across borders.

9. Children's Privacy

9.1 Age Restrictions
9.1.1 Applicability of Age Restrictions

the mobile application or web application ("the App") is intended for use by individuals of employment age in their respective states. Age restrictions are determined based on the legal age for employment in the relevant jurisdiction. As of the last update, the primary and only state of operation is California, where the App is intended for use by individuals who meet the legal age for employment.

9.1.2 Verification of Age

Users must verify their age during the account creation process to ensure compliance with age restrictions. Age verification may be conducted by providing employment-related information, including but not limited to employer details and position within the organization.

9.2 Parental Consent
9.2.1 Non-Applicability of Parental Consent

Given the employment-focused nature of the App, parental consent is optional for individuals who meet the legal age for employment in their respective jurisdictions. The App is designed for employees, technicians, and individuals engaged in employment activities related to the services provided by AutoOps.

9.2.2 User Responsibility for Accurate Information

Users are responsible for providing accurate employment-related information during the account creation process. This includes ensuring that the information provided accurately reflects their eligibility for employment in accordance with the legal age requirements of their respective states.

10. Updates to the Privacy Policy

10.1 Notification of Policy Updates
10.1.1 Periodic Review

This Privacy Policy is subject to periodic review and updates to reflect changes in business practices, legal requirements, and the evolving data protection landscape. Users are encouraged to regularly review the Privacy Policy to stay informed about how their data is handled and any changes to the terms and conditions outlined herein.

10.1.2 Notification Channels

Updates to the Privacy Policy will be communicated to users through appropriate notification channels. These channels may include in-app notifications, email communication, or other effective means of reaching users. Notifications will summarize the changes and direct users to the updated Privacy Policy for detailed information.

10.2 User Acknowledgment of Policy Changes
10.2.1 User Acknowledgment Mechanisms

Users will be prompted to acknowledge and accept any changes to the Privacy Policy before using the mobile application or web application ("the App"). This acknowledgment may be facilitated through in-app prompts, checkboxes, or other mechanisms to ensure users agree to the updated terms.

10.2.2 Implications of Non-Acknowledgment

Continued use of the App after the effective date of the updated Privacy Policy constitutes acknowledgment and acceptance of the revised terms. Users who choose not to acknowledge the updated Privacy Policy may be restricted from accessing certain features or functionalities within the App until an acknowledgment is provided.

11. California Privacy Rights

11.1. Right to Know
11.1.1 Information Disclosure

Under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), residents of California have the right to request information regarding the categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected about them in the past 12 months. This includes details about the sources of information, the purposes of collection, and third parties with whom the information has been shared.

11.1.2 Access Requests

California residents can exercise their right to know by submitting a verifiable request through the designated channels in Section 11 of this Privacy Policy. We will respond to such requests within the timeframes required by law, providing comprehensive information about the personal data collected and the corresponding data practices.

11.2. Right to Delete
11.2.1 Deletion Requests

California residents have the right to request the deletion of their personal information collected by us. Upon receiving a verifiable deletion request, we will delete the requested data from our records and direct any service providers to do so unless an exception applies.

11.2.2 Exceptions to Deletion

In certain circumstances, exceptions may apply, allowing us to retain certain information despite a deletion request. Exceptions include situations where the information is necessary to complete a transaction, detect security incidents, exercise free speech, or comply with legal obligations.

11.3. Right to Opt-Out of Sale
11.3.1 Opt-Out of Sale Requests

California residents have the right to opt out of selling their personal information. We do not sell personal information, and as such, there is no need for residents to exercise this right with us. We are committed to upholding our users' privacy and data protection rights.

11.4. Non-Discrimination
11.4.1 Equal Service

We do not discriminate against California residents who choose to exercise their privacy rights. Residents will not receive discriminatory treatment regarding services, pricing, or access to features and functionalities for exercising their rights under the CCPA.

11.14.2 Notification of Non-Discrimination

California residents will be notified of their non-discrimination rights through clear and conspicuous language in this Privacy Policy. Any discriminatory practices based on the exercise of privacy rights are strictly prohibited.

12. Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Policy, please get in touch with us below: